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Steve Warrilow

We have great pleasure in recognising self-taught Steve Warrilow for his stunning photography work. Steve worked as a merchant seaman for Blue Line Shipping Company of Liverpool in the early 70’s.
He then served for 12 years with the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, with five tours of active service in Northern Ireland, at the height of the troubles. It was in Ireland that he became interested in photography and taught himself while serving with his regiment in Northern Ireland, capturing the troubles on the streets.
Steve sadly became a homeless veteran, however, he was thankfully put in touch with the Wrexham Royal British Legion, who secured him temporary accommodation. This led the way to Steve’s name being put forward for a housing self-build project in Wrexham, that builds homes for veterans. First Choice Housing (FCHA) operates across Wales and Shropshire and provides quality, well designed, bespoke accommodation, for veterans and also people with a range of specialist needs, disabilities, that enable them to achieve independence and realize their potential, allowing them to lead fulfilling lives. Steve took part in building the accommodation and now lives in one of the apartments.
Now faced with limited job opportunities, Steve decided to apply to Glyndwr University, was accepted on a degree course, and has now been awarded a Bachelor's degree with Honours in Photography. He is presently working towards his Master’s degree, currently studying portraits and self-portraits.

Steve has a website that displays some of his work, absolutely breathtaking photographs of the Offa’s Dyke, North Wales area and the Spanish Camino, Frances Route, Santiago de Compostela, which he has trekked on three occasions, one of the fundraising for St Ormond’s Street Children’s Hospital Charity.
We loved Steve’s story of how he turned his life around, however, his photography has impressed us so much, the photographs literally pop out the screen at you, absolutely stunning!
Good luck Steve, we wish you well with your future endeavors and hope we have helped in some small way, to highlight the immense talent you have for photography.
Take a look at for all his photographs in their true glory.
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