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Cheryl Reeves

Cheryl Reeves

September 2024

September 2024 Cheryl is the founder of Agrication CIC, a farm doing amazing things for the community in Bangor-on-Dee, Wrexham.

The Farm provides nature connect programmes, working with people with additional learning needs, high school pupils and long-term unemployed people.

The programmes bridge the gap and the disconnect between rural life and people not knowing where food comes from.

The programmes involve work placements, teaches about nutrition, and importantly builds self-confidence.

High school children who have been excluded from, or bullied at school, have one to one sessions, learning how to listen, how to control anxiety and build confidence.

There are chickens, wagyu cattle and baby goats on the farm.

There is a young person who has come to the farm through the referral system at age 14 and has stayed volunteering, going onto win student of the year at Llysfasi college.

As well as running all this, Cheryl is also a mum to four children, pretty inspirational we think!Well done Chery, fantastic work improving people’s lives.

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