Taking care of our mental health is important
If you or anyone you know is struggling with mental health. Please look at the Pwrpas website, it has anything and everything you need in order to look after your mental health.
In the UK, around one in eight men has a common mental health problem such as depression, anxiety, panic disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Mental health problems in men are common, don't be afraid to talk to someone.
Please look at the Pwrpas website here for more details.

Dragon Chat
Mental Health Support System
Another system in place to support men's mental health is the peer support group named Dragon Chat. Dragon Chat is supported by Wrexham AFC and both encourage any person stuggling to get in touch. You are not alone.
Please follow the Dragon Chat website here for more details.

Working with Students
IT Work Experience Collaboration
This website has been created for the F Jones Initiative, as a work experience project by IT college students from Coleg Cambria.
The third group of students to take on the challenge, updating the website are, Kory, Rin, Nick, Belle, Rhys and Thomas.