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Hannah White

Hannah White

January 2025

Hannah is a 26-year-old lady with special needs. She has been a member of the Bitesize Youth Theatre partnership since she was 7 years old. Hannah attends every week on a Thursday without fail. She joins in the Drama and singing and volunteers in the kitchen making tea and coffee for the staff/volunteers.
The team at Bitesize have told that ‘Hannah brings JOY, she can roll away any clouds with the biggest smile and warmest hugs, she turns a bad day into a good one, she is kind, and she never judges.
When Hannah is around the effect on the other children and young people is amazing. They are kinder, they are more positive, their world becomes brighter, they look after her and each other.
Hannah, though she is completely unaware of what she does or the effect she has on others is the best role model a young person could have. She is enthusiastic for life, and it rubs off on everyone she interacts with.
If you could bottle what it is Hannah has, you would be a millionaire. We count ourselves very lucky to have Hannah in our lives, she is valued by all who know her’.
One incredible accolade, well done Hannah!

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