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About Us

Our aim is to shine a positive light on Wrexham. By spreading joy with our competitions!


The F Jones Initiative has been created by our two, family-run businesses in Wrexham. The F Jones Initiative, named in honor of our late Grandfather, Fred Jones, who ran Jones’s Fish and Chip Shop on St Georges Crescent in Wrexham has been set up by F Jones Food Service and Wrexham Lager Beer Company, companies now owned by his grandchildren Mark, Vaughan, Janet, and Jon.


To launch the Initiative project, we are running a great recognition award competition focussed on Wrexham, with fabulous prizes for 24 winners.


There is also a new category in the 2023/24 competition, enabling us to highlight one business/organisation per month.


We are also collaborating with other businesses and organisations in Wrexham, raising awareness of current and future projects, highlighting their work alongside our competition. You can also read about us on:

@fjones_initiative Instagram
@fjonesinitiative - Facebook
@fjonesinit - X

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