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Osian Powell Jones

Sadly, Osian lost his dad Gareth in April last year, rather than having lots of flowers at the funeral, his
family set up a Go Fund Me Page in aid of the Wrexham Foodbank. His father Gareth, a passionate
Wrexham AFC supporter, had been a member of Capel Y Groes and was actively involved in feeding
the homeless.
This gave Osian an idea and he wrote a song “See you again” in tribute to his dad. With the help of
his guitar teacher, Dale Irving, as well as a few of his friends, he released a CD of “See you again”,
with the proceeds from the sales of the CD, going towards supporting the Wrexham Food Bank.
Osian played lead guitar on the CD and collaborated with Luke Gallagher, who sang the lead vocals.
Osian’s family have also set up “Gareth’s Holiday Hunger Club”, which in conjunction with The
Venture, provides a meal for children in need, who are entitled to free school dinners during term-
Gareths Hunger Club has so far raised enough money to fund meals for the last year’s summer
holidays, October half-term, Christmas and this Easter, for children living in deprived areas of Caia
Osian is continuing with his music and is the lead singer in the band Catalyst, along with James on
drums, Cai on lead guitar and Harry on the cello and base-guitar. The band successfully opened the
Wrexham Lager Summer Festival earlier this year. They have also played at gigs in local pubs in
Wrexham, so look out for them!
We wish Osian good luck with all his future endeavours.
Well done!

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