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Lisa Lynch

Lisa has a wealth of child care experience, having worked with children for over 20 years prior to becoming a radiographic assistant at Wrexham Maelor hospital. She worked tirelessly in CT MRI during the pandemic, which was both physically and mentally tiring, dealing with the unknown, with the constant worry of taking Covid home to her husband and four children. Lisa is passionate about her job, wanting to provide the best possible care for her patients.
However, there was one where her wealth of childcare experience and her training were invaluable.
This is the start of Lisa’s story that day. Whatever your beliefs, whether you believe in divine intervention, or fate, Lisa by some miracle was most definitely in the right place, at the right time that day, here is her story.
I rarely shop in the town centre, but this one day my daughter was with me and I just wanted to pop into One Below, to pick up some tops. We went in, had a meander around and picked up a few bits. We made our way to the tills and I was just paying for my goods when a lady came rushing hysterically to the till, with a bottle of water, crying “I need to pay, I need water, my son is choking”. I told her not to give him anything to drink and turned around to see the dad with the young child tipped upside down.
The young boy was choking on a sweet, he was fighting for his breath and his lips were blue. My training kicked in and I lay him over my arm and started to back slap him, I did 2 rounds of 5 back slaps-nothing-the whole time thinking I was going to have to do CPR, running it through my head, thinking how small he was.
On the third round of slaps something passed down my palm, I stood the child up, he looked at me with “big gorgeous eyes”, rubbed them and wiped his nose, oblivious to what had just happened.

Afterwards Lisa says she got into her car and then adrenaline set in and “I was shaking uncontrollably. I don’t remember getting home”.
Young Enzo has recently celebrated his second birthday BECAUSE Lisa was on hand to save his life that day. Lisa believes she was there at that time and place, for a reason that day and so do we!
Many people stood watching unable to help because they didn’t know what to do. Lisa’s story highlights how important it is that we learn how to help in these situations.
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